General medicine case 10

A 75 year old male patient with severe body ache,joint pains 

 This is an online E log book to discuss our patient's de-identified health data shared after taking his/her/guardian's signed informed consent. Here we discuss our individual patient's problems through series of inputs from available global online community of experts with an aim to solve those patients clinical problems with collective current best evidence based inputs. This e-log book also reflects my patient centered online learning portfolio and your valuable inputs on comment box is welcome."


A 75 year old male patient with severe body aches, joint pains since 2 years.

Patient had a chief complaint of swelling over right inguinal region since 1 year.

History of present illness:

Patient was apparently asymptomatic 2 years back before the standing illness.Then the patient had experienced severe body aches and joint pains since 2 years.

Patient had pain over left retroperitoneal area 2 years back where he visited a hospital and was diagnosed with left kidney failure but no medications were taken by the patient in respect to that.

1 year back pt developed swelling in the left inguinal region which was small initially and has grown gradually to the present size.

After 1 year that is 10 days back before getting admitted to our casualty patient had anasarca,facial puffiness,pedal edema, loss of speech for 3 days, there was macroglossia and mild paralysis and when he visited a hospital it was found that both the kidneys were damaged and was suggested to kims.

On admission, after dialysis, patient had night fever for 3 days and burning sensation in knee and feet.

Patient c/o pain on filling of bladder and relief on emptying since then 

C/o bilateral pedal edema with morning facial puffiness since 10 days.

Past history 

history of DM,HTN

No h/o Epilepsy/TB/Thyroid disorders

Personal history 

Diet : mixed

Appetite : normal 

Bladder:painful micturition.(micturition:2 to 3 times a day)

Bowel movements:normal

Sleep : disturbances

Family history

No history of DM/HTN/CVA/CAD/Asthma/thyroid disorders

No similar complaints in the family previously. 

Treatment history 

Not significant. 

General examination

Patient is conscious, coherent and cooperative.

Oriented to time,place and person.

No pallor, history of icterus previously but not now,no cyanosis,no clubbing,no lymphadenopathy. 


Bp :160/100 mm hg

Spo2: 98% 

GRBS 113 mg/dl

Temperature: afebrile

Systemic examination:



Chest wall is bilaterally symmetrical.

No precordial bulge.


JVP: normal


Normal with regular heartbeat

S1, S2 heard

No murmurs 


Position of trachea: central

Normal Bilateral air entry

No AV sounds


Normal. No mass is palpable. 

No organomegaly


Patient is Conscious, coherent and cooperative.

Provisional diagnosis:

 Irreducible indirect incomplete inguinal hernia.




RFT- 30/10/21

RFT -01/11/21

USG report

ECG -30/10/21


Final diagnosis:




Tab.lasix 40 mg po/bd

Tab.nicardia 10mg

Tab pan 40 mg po/od

Tab. Orofer XT po/od

Fluid restriction  <1.5 lit/day

Salt restriction <2.4g/day

Inj. Piptaz 2.2mg iv/tid

Tab. Dolo 650 mg po/tid


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