General medicine case 11


A 53 year old male patient with Shortness of breath, difficulty in swallowing and headache

"This is an online E log book to discuss our patient's de-identified health data shared after taking his/her/guardian's signed informed consent. Here we discuss our individual patient's problems through series of inputs from available global online community of experts with an aim to solve those patients clinical problems with collective current best evidence based inputs. This e-log book also reflects my patient centered online learning portfolio and your valuable inputs on comment box is welcome."


A 53 year old male patient with Shortness of breath, difficulty in swallowing and headache since 1 month.

History of present illness:

Patient was apparently asymptomatic 3 years back before the standing illness.Then the patient experienced shortness of breath, difficulty in swallowing and headache since 30 days for which he was admitted into the hospital.

It all started 3 years back when the patient noticed shortness of breath and pedal edema where he was admitted to NIMS.

There he was told that he had some blackish discoloration on one of his kidney,apparently they concluded it as one of his kidney's got damaged.

At the same time they noticed that patient was suffering with TUBERCULOSIS.

They stayed in NIMS and took the treatment for a month and then got discharged.

For TB, they had taken tablets for 6 months after which they say that it got subsided.

Before 3 years patient's daily routine:Patient used to wake up around 4 or 5 o'clock and goes to farm for supplying irrigation nd reurns to home by 8 o'clock and takes food and goes back to fields and works until 4 o'clock and comes back to home takes food before 8 o'clock and then goes to sleep 

Then 1 month back patient was suffering from shortness of breath, headache,pain in limbs for which he was taken to NIMS and it was told that both of his kidney's got damaged and there was reactivation of tuberculosis.

In NIMS he underwent 4 dialysis and since it is long distance from the patient's place he came to kims and had undergone 5 more dialysis.

Patient also complaints of mild neck stiffness after an accident 1 year back.

Past history 


K/c/o TB 4 years back

No history of DM/Epilepsy/Thyroid disorders

The patient had not undergone any surgeries, blood transfusion.

Personal history 

Diet : mixed

Appetite : decreased

Bowel and bladder : decreased sometimes

Sleep :adequate 

Addictions: Patient used to smoke 1 to 3 cigars per day and alternative days of alcohol consumption 3 years back.Now,there was occassional consumption of alcohol.

Family history

No history of DM/HTN/CVA/CAD/Asthma/thyroid disorders

No similar complaints in the family previously. 

Treatment history 

Medications like Rifampicin,ethambutol,isoniazid,pyrazinamide were taken for tuberculosis. 

General examination

Patient is conscious, coherent and cooperative.

Pallor is present .

Bilateral pitting pedal edema is seen.

no icterus,no cyanosis,no clubbing,no lymphadenopathy. 



Bp :140/80 mm hg

PR: 98 bpm

Spo2: 98% 

Respiratory rate:24/min

Systemic examination:



Chest wall is bilaterally symmetrical.

No precordial bulge


JVP: normal


Normal with regular heartbeat

S1, S2 heard

No murmurs 

No thrills


Position of trachea: central

Dyspnoea is present

Breath sounds: vesicular

Wheezing: negative


Shape : scaphoid

No mass is palpable. 

No organomegaly

Bowel sounds: positive


Patient is Conscious 

Speech: normal

Reflexes: present

Provisional diagnosis:


k/c/o TB 4 years back.


On 8/11/21

BP:130/80 mmhg

PR : 72 bpm

CVS: S1 and S2+

P/A : soft

On 21/11/21

BP: 130/90 mmHg

PR: 98 bpm

CVS S1 S2+

R/s: b/l crepitus + in all areas

P/A : soft

Serum iron:69 ug/dl

Serum creatinine:6.5 mg/dl

Blood urea:197 mg/dl

Random blood sugar:108 mg/dl


ECG: (20/10/21)


Clinical images of patient:

Final diagnosis:

Reactivation of tuberculosis


Treatment plan:


Tab.lasix 40 mg orally

Tab.pantop 40 mg once daily

Tab.orofer xt once daily

Inj.erythropoietin 400 IU

Tab.amlong twice daily

Tab nodosis 500 mg



Tab.lasix 40 mg orally

Tab.pantop 40 mg once daily

Tab.orofer xt once daily

Inj.erythropoietin 400 IU

Tab nodosis 500 mg



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